Lafirgo is a young and competitive company based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We assist small cosmetics companies in complying with EC 1223/2009 and Directive 2013/15/EC. The company was established in anticipation of a large demand for a simple and transparent service in this field. Since we are a small organisation, we can be lean and mean. We specialise in organic cosmetics because it is our conviction that products that are kind to people and to our environment are our future. LaFirgo provides the following services:
– Identifying borderline products
– Tackling any possible safety problems with regard to ingredients or the labelling of your cosmetic product (see our quick scan)
– Compiling and backing up your Product Information Files
– If requested we can be your EU Responsible Person
Lafirgo was estabilshed by Drs. Hanny Roskamp. She graduated in Chemistry from the University of Utrecht, Netherlands in 1987. She is therefore qualified to perform CSAs, a qualification that was confirmed by the NVWA (Dutch Food and Product Authority). She has extensive experience in the field of environmental sciences and four years of lab experience as a formulation expert (posologist). In recent years she specialised in research journalism on health and skin issues.
Lafirgo respects the following codes of conduct:
– Refrain from conflicts of interest whether of a business or financial nature.
– Maintain good standards of confidentiality with regard to third parties.
– Pursue further education in relevant areas.
– Maintain good relationships with Competent Authorities, and be responsive to their enquiries.
Dutch Chamber of Commerce # 55074634